The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM University), created in 2002, made history by becoming Canada's first independent medical university—now known as NOSM University—on April 1, 2022.
NOSM University is one of the greatest medical education success stories of Canada. Born of a grassroots movement, NOSM University is a made-in-the-North solution to regional health care inequalities. Its internationally recognized distributed, community-engaged learning (DCEL) model is distinctive and has grown into something extraordinary.
This education model requires NOSM University to have strong ties and engagement with remote, rural, Indigenous and Francophone communities. It features partnerships and collaborations with more than 500 organizations, in more than 90 communities, and with more than 1,800 clinical, human, and medical sciences faculty dispersed across all of Northern Ontario.
In nearly 100 sites across the North provides training in more than 90 communities across 800,000 square kilometres include Indigenous, Francophone, remote/rural communities, and urban centres. social accountability.
NOSM University faculty, staff and students do not function in a traditional medical school building. Rather, the walls of the University are the boundaries of Northern Ontario, spanning thousands of kilometres, with two main campuses and countless communities that are linked in some way to the University.
Below are 63 profiles of the more than 90 communities where NOSM students live and learn.
Community Profiles
NOSM University's education is quite literally “all over the map,” taking learners out of traditional classrooms and into your community.
NOSM University learners are educated in your community about the local culture, economic realities, and social determinants of health that are relevant here in the North with the hope that their experiences will win over their hearts and minds, and encourage them to return to practise in the North upon completion of their education. And it's working. The majority of NOSM University learners do remain to practise in the North.
The walls of the NOSM University are the boundaries of Northern Ontario and span 800,000 km2 that include Indigenous, Francophone, remote/rural communities, and urban centres. Below are 63 profiles of the more than 90 communities where NOSM University students live and learn.
2022 Community Profiles
Almaguin Highlands
Black River - Matheson
Blind River
Bruce Mines
Elliot Lake
Fort Frances
Gore Bay
Greater Sudbury
Iroquois Falls
Kirkland Lake
Little Current
North Bay
Pickle Lake
Rainy River
Red Lake
Richards Landing
Sault Ste. Marie
Sioux Lookout
Thunder Bay
Terrace Bay Schreiber
Vermilion Bay
WAHA/Moose Factory
West Nipissing
NOSM Partners include:
Dryden Regional Health Centre
Eabametoong First Nation
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch - Ontario Region
Georgian Bay General Hospital
Lake of the Woods District Hospital
Manitoulin Health Centre
Matawa First Nations
McMaster School of Rehabilitation Science
Métis Nation of Ontario
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare
North Bay Regional Health Centre
North East Local Health Integration Network/North West Local Health Integration Network
Notre-Dame Hospital
Public Health Ontario
Riverside Healthcare Facilities Inc.
Sault Area Hospital
Sensenbrenner Hospital
Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre
St. Joseph's Care Group
Sudbury Regional Hospital (now Health Science North)
Temiskaming Hospital
Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre
Timmins & District Hospital
West Parry Sound Health Centre
Aboriginal Community Partnership Agreements
Attawapiskat First Nation
Batchewana First Nation
Chapleau Cree First Nation
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation Health Centre
Constance Lake First Nation
Deer Lake First Nation
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
Eabametoong First Nation
Eagle Lake First Nation
Fort Albany First Nation
Fort Frances Gizhewaadiziwin Health Centre
Fort Frances Tribal Area Health Authority
Fort Hope First Nation
Garden River First Nation
Kitchenumaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation
Lac La Croix First Nation
Lac Seul First Nation
M'Chigeeng First Nation
Mattagami First Nation
Métis Nation of Ontario - Thunder Bay
Métis Nation of Ontario - Timmins
Mnaamodzawin Health Services
Moose Cree First Nation
Muskrat Dam First Nation
Nahndahweh Tchigehgamig (Wikwemikong Health Centre)
Naicatchewenin First Nation (Northwest Bay First Nation)
Naotkamegwanning First Nation
Nibinamik First Nation
Nipissing First Nation
Ojibways of Pic River First Nation
Sagamok Anishnawbek
Sandy Lake First Nation
Saugeen First Nation #29
Serpent River First Nation
Temagami First Nation
Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe'iyewigamig
Wasauksing First Nation
Whitefish River First Nation
College/University Agreements
Canadore College
Elon University
Maastricht University
McMaster University
Medical School for International Health (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Toronto, University of
UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine
Walter Sisulu University
Waterloo, University of - School of Pharmacy
Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities
NOSM University in Thunder Bay
955 Oliver Rd | Thunder Bay, ON | P7B 5E1 | Tel: 807-766-7300 | Fax: 807-766-7370
NOSM University in Sudbury
935 Ramsey Lake Rd. | Sudbury, ON | P3E 2C6 | Tel: 705-675-4883 | Fax: 705-675-4858
This school has multiple campuses
NOSM University-Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM)
935 Ramsey Lake Rd
P3E 2C6
Ontario - Canada
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